Citrus Fruit

Make one of your five daily servings of fruits and vegetables an orange or grapefruit to help you manage your weight. Murray Huff, director at Robarts Research Institute at the University of  Western Ontario in Canada, found that naringenin, a flavonoid in citrus fruit, causes the liver to burn excess fat instead of hanging onto it. The molecule also helped improve triglyceride and cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of insulin resistance and stabilize glucose metabolism (risk factors for type 2 diabetes and heart disease).

Look for oranges that are firm and heavy for their size with no mold or unusual soft spots. Keep in mind that the ripe oranges may retain green streaks or spots depending on climate conditions during the growing season.



The vinegar in your pantry isnt merely handy when it comes to shaking up your favorite salad dressings for salads or quick-pickling produce for sandwiches – it may help you break down fat and reduce its accumulation in the body, thanks to acetic acid, an organic chemical compound that gives vinegar its potent taste and scent. In a Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry study, animals given the acid along with a high-fat diet developed up to 10 percent less body fat than those that consumed the fatty fare alone. Of course, upping you intake of vinegar just so you can eat more fatty foods is not my recommended course of action.